In this article, we will discuss What is IIT Full Form? You have probably heard the term IIT, but do you know what it actually is The Indian Institute of Technology is a group of autonomous engineering and technology-oriented institutes governed by the Institute of Technology Act, of 1961. It is a top-notch, public higher education institution in India that provides world-class education. Founded in 1950, IIT has been a driving force in the development of modern technology in India and around the world. Today, IIT students work at the top companies in the world.

IIT Full Form in Hindi :-
What is IIT Full Form in Hindi : IIT छात्रों को उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए भारत सरकार द्वारा स्थापित प्रौद्योगिकी शिक्षा संस्थानों का एक समूह है। IIT का फुल फार्म इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी है। हिन्दी में इसे ‘भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान’ कहा जाता है।
IIT is a network of autonomous engineering and technology-oriented institutes in India
The IITs are a network of autonomous engineering and technology-orientated institutes in India. These institutes are part of the LAOTSE, an international network of universities that promotes the exchange of students and scholars. Kharagpur is home to several IITs and the IIT Kharagpur campus was named the top engineering college in India by the newspaper India Today.
The IITs are funded by disproportionately high amounts of government funding compared to engineering colleges in India. While other engineering colleges receive only a few million dollars in government funding per year, IITs receive between Rs. 900 and 1,300 million annually, and this funding is supplemented by research funding from industry and student fees. This funding ensures the institutes have superior infrastructure and faculty compared to other engineering colleges in India. The faculty-to-student ratio at an IIT is one-sixth to one-eighth.
The IIT network was established in the 1950s and 1960s, and most of the institutions were initially known as Institutes of National Importance. The success of the institutes eventually led to the creation of the Indian Institutes of Information Technology. The network also consists of a large number of public universities, many of which have campuses located throughout the country. The IITs have become some of the most prestigious engineering colleges in the world.
The IIT Kharagpur campus also has a vibrant student life. In addition to offering formal degree programs, the institution runs an Early Faculty Induction Programme, which provides a chance for young people to learn from the best engineers and scientists in the country. Other activities of the IIT Kharagpur campus include the development of model engineering curricula. So far, 103-course curriculum books have been published by the CEP.
The system of IITs began in 1946 when Hon. Jogendra Singh, then a member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council, decided to create a committee to examine the creation of higher technical institutes in India. This 22-member committee was led by Nalini Ranjan Sarkar and recommended that at least four colleges should be established in the country. The committee also tasked the S K Joshi Committee with determining the first five IITs. The committee formulated strict guidelines for the selection of institutions aspiring to be IITs. Of the seven schools that made the cut, only seven colleges were chosen for the final consideration.
It is governed by the Institute of Technology Act, 1961
The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are public technical universities in India. They are governed by the Institute of Technology Act, of 1961, which defines their powers and duties and sets the framework for governance. IITs are linked through a common council. They are recognized by the government and are among the most prestigious institutes in the country. The Institutes of Technology Act, 1961, also lays down the eligibility requirements for admission to the various campuses.
The Institutes of Technology have various departments, each with its own mission, vision, and core values. These departments are led by a board of governors that is responsible for supervising the institute and deciding on its policies. There are also separate boards for the education and building & works committees that oversee major projects. The IIT Act, of 1961 governs the IITs and the IIT system.
The government of India has two bodies that govern the IITs: the government and the IITs themselves. The government is represented by the minister of technical education as ex officio chairman of the Council of IITs. The governors, directors of each IIT, and the director general of CSIR are all members of the Council of IITs. The joint secretary of the HRD ministry serves as the council secretary. The IITs also have government-nominated members, such as the AICTE, one vice-chancellor, three to five visiting faculty members, and other members.
IITs contribute significantly to the technological development of India. Graduates from these institutes hold senior positions in the public sector and private industry. In fact, around 60 percent of engineering and technology doctorates and 45 percent of master’s degree graduates come from the IIT system. IIT graduates have also contributed significantly to the nation’s economy, rising to leadership positions in government agencies, companies, and laboratories.
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It offers top-quality education:-
In our current world, top-quality education is the key to achieving the goals of the 21st century. Quality education focuses on the whole child, ensuring the social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive development of all students. The curriculum is differentiated according to social, economic, geographic, and educational backgrounds. It should prepare children for life, employment, and higher education. There are many ways to improve education quality.
It is a public higher education institution:-
The governing board of a state institution of higher education is required by statute to designate a special depository bank. The bank must be able to receive, deposit, and hold receipts, separately from the state treasury. The bank must be located near the institution, and the comptroller is authorized to withdraw funds on prescribed checks. Once these requirements have been met, the institution is considered a special depository bank.
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